To mark the twentieth anniversary of EU’s Day of Welcomes, a short film of ‘Beacons at Bealtaine’, the poem Seamus Heaney wrote to celebrate the historic occasion
Read moreAnnouncing the PEN Heaney Prize
On the eve of what would have been Seamus’s 85th birthday, we are delighted to share news of a new venture we have been working on with our friends at English PEN and Irish PEN - the PEN Heaney Prize.
Read moreAnnouncing the Heaney-Miłosz Residency in Kraków
We are delighted to announce the Heaney-Miłosz Residency, a brand new partnership with the Irish Embassy in Poland and Kraków Festival Office, giving a writer the opportunity to spend time in Kraków, in the Czesław Miłosz apartment
Read moreHeaney and Amnesty: From the Republic of Conscience
Stoney Road Press’s limited edition broadside of ‘From The Republic of Conscience’, specially made to celebrate Amnesty’s 60th anniversary
With this unprepossessing and typically modest covering letter from 1985, Seamus Heaney submitted a first draft of his renowned poem ‘From the Republic of Conscience’ to Mary Fogarty, then head of the Irish branch of Amnesty International.
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